How to Prepare to Use an Anal Dildo

How to Prepare to Use an Anal Dildo

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After selecting the appropriate lubricant and dildo, you may be pondering, "How do I begin?" Preparing one's mind and body for the forthcoming activity is crucial for maximum delight. The following is a step-by-step guide that demonstrates how to accomplish that.

Step One: Pamper Yourself and Relax
I suggest getting into the proper frame of mind and facilitating physical relaxation by engaging in a lengthy, warm soak in the Jacuzzi or a steamy shower. By employing aromatherapy detergent or shower gel, one can effectively alleviate muscular tension and remove cobwebs. While thoroughly cleansing yourself, a bath or shower that is calming will assist in body relaxation.

Step 2: Hygiene Consideration
Contrary to popular belief, there is no necessity to perform an irrigation prior to utilising an anal dildo. Poop is not stored in the anal canal but rather in the upper bowels; therefore, initiating anal play should not result in any unpleasant revelations. While it is preferable to cleanse yourself thoroughly after a bath or shower, an antibacterial cloth or damp wipe can serve as a suitable substitute.

Nevertheless, before beginning anal activity, numerous individuals prefer to cleanse themselves with an anal douche.

If this were to pique your interest, the following steps should be taken. Simply fill the anal douche with saline or warm water, lubricate the tip with your preferred lubricant, and sit on the commode before inserting it into your butt. Hold the bulb for a few moments while gently squeezing it to force water into the anus, and then release it into the toilet receptacle. A few times through, repeat this procedure until the water flows clear.

Third Step: Clean Your Toy
Dildo should be consistently sterilised and cleaned prior to and following each use. Traditional methods include the use of a sex device cleaner or warm, soapy water. After use, certain dildos (such as those made of metal and glass) can be cleaned in the dishwasher or a saucepan of boiling water. Despite having cleansed the toy after your most recent session, it is advisable to thoroughly clean it again prior to use, in case any dirt or bacteria may have accumulated during storage.

Step Four: Lubricate
Before using a device, liberally coat your anus and the area surrounding it with lubricant. The majority of intimate partners use lubricant during sexual activity and integrate it into tasks like anal fingering; here are my top recommendations.

Selecting Appropriate Lube
Unlike the vagina, the anal canal does not self-lubricate; therefore, lubricant is ABSOLUTE when using an anal dildo. Four primary categories of lubricant exist: oil-based, water-based, silicone-based, and desensitising. Everything you need to know to select the best one is provided below!

Before engaging in anal intercourse, ensure that you have read this article, as it may be painful.

Lubricating Water-Based Systems
Water-based lubricant is the softest and gentlest; it is simple to apply, dries quickly, and does not leave a residue. Water-based lubricant is safe for ALL substances, including anal dildo. A caveat is that water-based lubricants dry out more rapidly than other varieties, necessitating more frequent reapplication.

Lubricant Based on Silicone
Lubricant formulated with silicone is significantly more durable than one formulated with water, and a small amount goes a long way. Silicone lubricant does not dry out or "gum up" like water-based lubricant does, and it will not wash away in the shower or pool (if that's where you like to get active!). Silicone lubricant maintains its slickness and smoothness for an extended period of time, contributing to the sensation of delight in any anal dilator.

Silicone lubricant is non-allergenic and completely safe for use with latex and the majority of safer sex materials utilised in the production of dildos, including silicone, nitrile, and polyurethane. You may have heard that silicone lubricant causes microscopic pores and discoloration in silicone devices. The primary rationale behind this is that inexpensive silicone-labeled sex devices are constructed from TPR or TPE, which are thermoplastic rubber or thermoplastic elastomer, respectively. If you purchase a dildo made of 100 percent medical-grade silicone, using silicone lubricant should not be a problem.

The two disadvantages associated with silicone lubricant are its comparatively elevated cost and its propensity to cause stains on fabric and apparel.

Lubricating oil-based substances
Because oil-based lubricant is extremely thick and durable, it is widely used for anal fingering, anal intercourse, and extreme behaviours such as anal fisting. When using an oil-based lubricant with your anal dildo, be careful to use non-latex condoms, dental dams, or gloves, as it is incompatible with latex. When working with metal or glass dildo, oil-based lubricant is an excellent option; however, it is susceptible to staining.

Lubricating Desensitising Agent
Anal lubricant with desensitising properties can alleviate the pain associated with anal dildo use by reducing friction and numbing the nerve receptors in and around the anus. The majority of desensitising lubricants are water-based, which renders them suitable for use on any substance and conducive to extended sessions.

In my opinion, desensitising lubricant should not be utilised during anal activity. Pain serves as an indication from the body to cease an activity, and attempting to "push through the pain" can result in severe injury. By adhering to the instructions provided for preparing to use a dildo, one can anticipate an entirely painless and highly gratifying experience.

One might consider utilising a lube shooter if they wish to avoid getting lube on their palms or sheets.

With the slender neck of this ingenious instrument, lubricant can be deposited into the anal canal with ease and comfort. It also prepares the anal musculature to receive an anal dildo by promoting relaxation in those muscles.

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